IoT-AR for Control and Monitoring System


In the process of caring for plants need to pay attention to several factors that influence the process of caring for these plants, for example factors of temperature, soil moisture, the need for radiation or intensity of light used, and other factors. To simplify these activities, an effective applicative innovation is needed that can be packaged in an informative, educative, and interactive manner. Therefore, this research was conducted which aims to create a prototype system to supervise and control the greenhouse in real-time by utilizing augmented reality as an interface, with control parameters such as lightning control and airflow control, and monitoring parameters in the form of: air and soil humidity, light intensity, and temperature. “Greenhouse Control and Monitoring System based on the Internet of Things with Augmented Reality Interface” is one of the interdisciplinary innovations between electronics, informatics, and agriculture.

Scope of Problem

  1. Monitoring parameter: humidity, temperature, light intensity, moisture;
  2. Control parameter: PWM Fan and RGB LED;
  3. Communication protocol on Internet of Things using IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi).

Hardware Component

NodeMCU V3 ESP8266Microcontroller with IoT platform module.
DHT11 Sensor ModuleTemperature and humidity sensor.
GY-302 Sensor ModuleLight intensity sensor.
FC-28 Sensor ModuleMoisture sensor.
5V Relay ModuleElectric switch.
PWM FanUsed to circulate air.
RGB LEDUsed to emit light.

Software Component

Unity 3DUsed as an engine to create Augmented Reality
Vuforia SDKSupporting SDK on Unity 3D for creating Augmented Reality
Firebase Realtime DatabaseAs a cloud database on the system

Block Diagram

Fig 1. Block Diagram

AR App Display

Fig 2. Information Panel
Fig 3. Control Panel

Dimas Adrian Mukti
Dimas Adrian Mukti
JTI Top Gun

My research interests include Augmented Reality, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded System, Robotics, and IoT.
